Daily Digest of Software Engineer Articles

The most popular articles on MoreThanCoders about software engineering, personal growth, and soft skills.

If you're looking to get ahead as a software engineer, MoreThanCoders is the blog for you. We focus on the soft skills that are often overlooked but are essential for success in this competitive field. Our articles are informative and engaging, and they'll give you the edge you need to stand out from the crowd.

Recent Articles on Communication

How to Sound More Confident as a Software Engineer

Learn how to improve your confidence, speak with authority, and be seen as an expert in your field.

How to Sound More Confident as a Software Engineer

Are You a Lone Wolf? How to Improve Your Teamwork as a Software Engineer

As a software engineer, it's important to know how to work well in a team. Here are some tips to help you improve your teamwork and avoid becoming a lone wolf.

Are You a Lone Wolf? How to Improve Your Teamwork as a Software Engineer

How To Communicate With Executives as a Software Engineer

Want to know how to communicate with executives? This guide will show you how. Learn tips on how to prepare for conversations with the CEO or CTO, and find out what different types of communication styles to use.

How to talk with executives. Tips for effective communication as a software engineer.

3 Effective Communication Strategies Used By The Best Software Engineers

Communication is an essential skill for software engineers. The three communication strategies- interpersonal communication, visual communication, and written communication- can be used to effectively communicate with different audiences.

A person visually communicating to a group using sticky notes

5 Essential Tips for Better Communication as a Software Engineer

As a software engineer, communication is key. These five essential tips will help you communicate better with your team and get the most out of your job search.

Software engineers talking and typing at a desk

Recent Articles on Interviewing

How to Sound More Confident as a Software Engineer

Learn how to improve your confidence, speak with authority, and be seen as an expert in your field.

How to Sound More Confident as a Software Engineer

The Top Questions to Ask During a Software Engineering Interview

Here are the top questions you should ask during a software engineering interview. These interview questions help you stand out during your job search.

A manual that says the power of why.

3 Tips to Stand Out When Searching for a Job in Software Engineering

If you're looking for your dream job in software engineering, follow these three tips to help you stand out from the competition.

One orange moped between 10 black mopeds.

Recent Articles on Critical Thinking

3 Easy Critical Thinking Exercises Every Software Engineer Should Use Daily

Software engineers should be practicing critical thinking skills every day. This article provides 3 easy exercises that you can use to improve your thinking.

A group crossing a gap using a bridge they built themselves.